Friday, September 18, 2009

Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus is open to changing the health care reform. Baucus's is mainly working on addressing one of the chief issues on the bill, that the bill wont be able to make insurance affordable enough for the middle-class. This poses a problem because the legislation will soon require everyone to have insurance or pay a fine. So if the middle-class cannot afford health insurance, they are stuck getting fined. Baucus's solution to this is, by creating a 35% tax excise on the lavish plans, the tax excise would go to the insurer, but obviously fall onto the customer. This plan sounds good to me because, middle-class most likely would not get the lavish plans, and the upper-class that can afford the lavish plans aid the middle-class through taxes. It would also discourage people getting lavish plans and overusing the health-care system. You guys should definantly check out this article from TIME because its discussing big things that will effect us in the United States soon.

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